DALA plays Hugh’s Room Live in Toronto (NEW location) on November 18
info and tickets
The day they knocked down The Palais,
My sister stood and cried
– The Kinks, Come Dancing
Over the last few years, these lyrics would invariably pop into my head any time I happened to be biking past the Original Hugh’s Room location at 2261 Dundas West. Seeing the boarded up entrance made me feel a real pang of sadness. It stood in such contrast to the bustling venue of my memories, the place where Amanda and I experienced so many career highlights.
We were lucky enough to play headlining shows there in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010. We also spent many a magic three-night run crowded into the postered stairwell with fellow folk artist friends, each awaiting our turn to pay tribute to the music of Gordon Lightfoot or Neil Young. I can still remember that one winter’s night, when, sitting on those stairs, I turned my head towards the entrance just as Gordon Lightfoot himself walked in, shaking snow off the shoulders of his leather jacket. Almost instantaneously, the whole venue was electrified.
I think those tribute nights have an extra special place in my heart, because we were all in it together (quite literally when it came to the upstairs green room). Somehow that upper space managed to serve as office, dining room, curtained change area, make-up mirror, last-minute rehearsal corner, and all-around reunion location. It couldn’t help but lend itself to building a tight-knit performer community.
October 22 2023 - at Hugh’s Room (new location)
When Hugh’s Room had to shutter its doors in 2020, it felt like the end of an era. Where would we all gather? Thankfully, many dedicated people have been working tirelessly since that day to keep the spirit of Hugh’s Room alive, hosting satellite shows around the city in the interim. Now, at long last, Hugh’s Room has a fantastic new location in the East end, at 296 Broadview Avenue. Just this past weekend, Amanda and I performed there alongside a merry band of fellow artists, all paying tribute to the music of Gordon Lightfoot. It was a truly special show, and performers and audience members alike were clearly thrilled to be back together.
On Saturday November 18, Amanda and I will be playing our first headlining show in this new space. It might be a new Hugh’s Room, but to us it feels like a homecoming. Hope to see you there!
DALA in Toronto
November 18 - 8pm (7pm doors)